

Address: no.2-6, Guangfu West Road, Heshan Town, Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province
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5P series four-stages team jet vacuum pump

①The minimum steam pressure is 0.3Mpa(absolute pressure) , please specify when placing order, so that we can configure the nozzle according to the required steam pressure

②The condenser shown in the Figure is the mixed direct cooling condenser.The condenser can be replaced by an inter-tube cooling condenser according to customer's requirements
③The pump works without mu fling condenser, but the muf lng condenser reduces the noise.


①polyester polyester section slice
②Section slice thickening
③Fine chemical manufacturing
④Drug sublimation and drying
⑤Vacuum treatment of steel melts
⑥Extraction of magnesium
⑦Extraction of flavors and perfume

5P series four-stages team jet vacuum pump

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